Thursday, July 1, 2010

What I did this week

This week was a little more productive than last. I was able to finish 4 layouts for my Grandmother's album. I have 10 pages left and already have ideas, so that is a plus. Hopefully I will be able to finish by Friday because we are having my Grandmother's Memorial Service and a family reunion next Saturday. Not only was this week productive scrappy wise, but my mom and I did some research about my migraines and which foods cause them. Needless to say, my morning yogurt is out - along with avocados, lemons/limes, pineapple and oranges. ALL foods that contain Tyramine are being nixed from my diet. The past 2 days have not been as bad as the last 6 weeks, but I still am having to take way too many meds. My mom & I had a lunch date, went and had our hair appointments & then pedicures. It was nice to get out and be pampered. My hair is finally layer FREE and in a bob around my chin. I may post pics after next weekend because I am sure there will be PLENTY!!!!! =) Grandaddy & Grnadmother's 40th Anniversary Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket