Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Life is NEVER boring around my house. Derek has been home from work with either a bruised rib or a cracked or "broken" rib. My honey NEVER complains about pain. This is the same man that passed kidney stones for months before ever being seen by a doctor, and finally having surgery because the last stones were too big to pass. I made him an appointment with my massage therapist and only 5 minutes into the appointment she came and got me and told me that there was something seriously wrong and she could not help him. This morning I called my mom to see how my dad is doing because he has not been "acting" right and the eye doctor wants him to have lab work done because she thinks his carotid artery is blocked. WHAT???? I had to find my Valium because this was day 1 of my monthly IVIG treatments and I could not be a CRAZY lady with spike blood pressure. I needed my IVIG. So, I am worried about my husband and my daddy. I can not take this CRAZINESS!!!!