Thursday, June 10, 2010


I am miserable beyond belief. This week started my 3rd week of dealing with horrible migraines. I went to my GP on Monday and he put me on Imitrex injections, along with some other meds to try and see what will work. I had to postpone my monthly IVIG until next week because I started puking my guts up this morning. I am so tired of migraines, nausea, puking and just feeling horrible. I know this is taking a toll on Derek because he is worried sick about me and having to be a nurse as well. I hope I can get more sleep tonight, but I am not going to hold my breath. It is time for another pain pill, so hopefully this will make me sleepy and I can get some sleep.


Jocelyn said...

So sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad...I just got out of the hospital for diverticulitis and I know what you feel like with the pain!!!!

Feel better soon sweet friend!!!