Friday, August 27, 2010

I have been BUSY

WOW ~ it has been a long time since I have checked in. I have been super busy. I went to the neurologist and saw his partner. I did receive the pain blocker shots and within hours my migraines were GONE. I can not believe I waited so long and suffered as long as did. =( NEVER AGAIN!! I also had my 2 cavities filled as well. I do not know why I was worried about that. I guess since I was 40 and never had a cavity or issues with my teeth I was a bit freaked. I had braces and that was worse than having my cavities filled. Who knows? School has started back for everyone, so I will be SUPER busy scrapping. Ryan is a senior in high school, Callie is starting her Freshman year of high school AND Samantha has started her senior year @ TCU. I can not believe how all of the kids have grown up so fast. It seems like just yesterday, they were ALL babies. I did have an exciting day today. I went and bought a couple of packages of rhinestones, flourishes AND Stickles at a LSS. I need to start working on some raw chipboard for upcoming football layouts. Since football games started tonight, I will have a TON of pics coming in shortly AND I do not want to get behind. I also got a much needed pedicure and my eyebrows waxed. I feel human again! =)